Publication Plan v3 published originally here, April 5, 2015
Publication Plan v2 here, dated January 13, 2014
Publication Plan v1 here, dated October 18, 2013
Publication Plan for the
Virtual Project on the History of ALD, v3.0
April 5, 2015
On behalf of all the VPHA contributors
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Jonas Sundqvist (Dr.), Lab Operations Manager, Lund Nano Lab, Lund University, Sweden
Henrik Pedersen, Associate Professor, Linköping University, Sweden
Annina Titoff, Editor-in-Chief,
Current VPHA authors: Aarik, Jaan (Prof.), Akbashev, Andrew (M. Sc.), Bechelany, Mikhael (Dr.), Berdova, Maria (M. Sc.), Cameron, David (Prof.), Chekurov, Nikolai (Dr.), Drozd, Victor E. (Assoc. Prof.), Elliott, Simon D. (Dr.), Gottardi, Gloria (Dr.), Grigoras, Kestutis (Dr.), Junige, Marcel (M.Sc.), Kallio, Tanja (Dr.), Kanervo, Jaana (Dr.), Koshtyal, Yury (Dr.),
Kääriäinen, Marja-Leena (Dr.), Kääriäinen, Tommi O. (Dr.), Lamagna, Luca (Dr.), Malkov, Anatolii (Assoc. Prof.),
Malygin, Anatoly (Prof.), Molarius Jyrki (Dr.), Ozgit-Akgun, Cagla (Dr.), Pedersen, Henrik (Assoc. Prof.),
Puurunen, Riikka L. (Dr.), Pyymäki Perros, Alexander (M. Sc.), Ras, Robin H. A. (Prof.), Roozeboom, Fred (Prof.), Sajavaara, Timo (Dr.), Savin, Hele (Prof.), Seidel, Thomas E. (Dr.), Sundberg, Pia (Dr.), Sundqvist, Jonas (Dr.), Tallarida, Massimo (Dr.), van Ommen, J. Ruud (Dr.), Thomas Waechtler (Dr.), Wiemer, Claudia (Dr.), Ylivaara, Oili M. E. (M. Sc.)
This publication plan is related to the “Virtual Project on the History of ALD” (VPHA), of which the original Introduction and Invitation to Participate can be found in as well as through the recent dedicated VPHA webpage
The goals of the publication plan are 1) to document early publications about ALD and spread information about them, and 2) to promote interaction amongst the ALD community.
This is the 3rd version (2nd update) of the Publication Plan. The earlier versions can be accessed through
1) Poster at Baltic ALD 2014
The plan is to publish the result of the “virtual project on the history of ALD” (info: first as a poster at the Baltic ALD conference, Helsinki, May 12-13, 2014.
The poster will report the literature list and personal comments on the individual publications similarly as collected in the “Google file”, link here. Up to year 1986 will be covered. [The time limit comes from the review of Goodman and Pessa, J. Appl. Phys. 60, R65 (1986), after which ALD literature cannot be considered “early”.]
The poster will have OPEN AUTHORSHIP, meaning that anyone who is interested to contribute in the building of an overview of the early history of ALD, may join the poster.
Each author should provide minimum one comment.
The author list will be alphabetical (basis: last name).
There will be no upper limit for the number of authors: the more authors there are, the better. (Count as of Jan 13, 2014: 23 authors from 9 countries.)
The conference deadline for the poster abstract is January 31. In practice, the abstract will be finalized and submitted a couple of days before that (latest Jan 28).
We will start to finalize the actual poster in the beginning of April. Interested people can still join as authors for the poster at least until March 2014.
STATUS: Completed
Abstract of the published poster:
2) Poster at ALD 2014, Kyoto
The result of the “virtual project on the history of ALD” will be published as a poster also at the AVS-ALD 2014 conference, Kyoto, June 15-18, 2014.
The concept for the poster at ALD 2014 in Kyoto will be similar as for the BALD 2014 poster, both concerning the contents and the OPEN AUTHORSHIP.
The conference deadline for the abstract is February 14. The plan is to submit the abstract on February 10, and interested authors can join until this date.
We will start to finalize the actual poster in the end of May. Interested people can still join as authors for the poster until May 15.
STATUS: Completed
Abstract of the poster:
Poster (to be printed in several layers, that is, “3-D”):
3) Presentation at ALD 2014, Kyoto
We will request another presentation at ALD 2014. Oral presentation is preferred, but we will also be happy, if a poster presentation is granted.
The goal is to go one step further in interpretations than in the posters, and to describe the major “new” information found on the early evolution of ALD in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD.
There is OPEN AUTHORSHIP also for this.
The authors are listed in an alphabetical order.
Authors of this presentation should also be authors of the posters (vice versa is not necessary).
If accepted as an oral presentation, the presentation will be given by Riikka. All authors will have a chance to propose contents and give comments on the presentation in advance. Would it be difficult to choose contents, Riikka Puurunen and Jonas Sundqvist will in the end decide what is included in the presentation.
STATUS: Completed (a poster was granted)
Poster abstract:
4) ALD history tutorial at ALD 2014, Kyoto
An invited tutorial on the history of ALD was presented by Riikka Puurunen AVS-ALD 2014 conference, Kyoto, June 15-18, 2014. The invitation came on the basis of the two VPHA abstracts.
STATUS: Completed
5) Essay on the early history of ALE-ALD
The invention and development of ALD under the name Atomic Layer Epitaxy under the leadership of Tuomo Suntola was described in: “A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy”, written by Riikka L. Puurunen and published in Chemical Vapor Deposition 20 (2014) 332-344, DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201402012. Originally, the story was written for the “40 Years of ALD in Finland: Photos, Stories” (FinALD40) exhibition organized by the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Atomic Layer Deposition ( for the Baltic ALD conference in Helsinki, May 12-13, 2014 (
STATUS: Completed
This essay was written and published in 2014. The writing of the essay was not yet foreseen in the original VPHA Publication Plan (dated October 18, 2013) and also not in its first update (version 2.0, dated January 13, 2014). The essay has been afterwards included in the VPHA outcomes in Publication Plan v 3.0.
6) Website for ALD history and VPHA
STATUS: Completed
Updated with new info when needed (admin: R. Puurunen)
Update 19.12.2015: related ALD History Blog at
7) Exhibition: 40 years of ALD in Finland - Photos, Stories (FinALD40)
Celebrating the 40 years history of the Finnish ALD the Academy of Finland’s Finnish Centre of Excellence on Atomic Layer Deposition, organized an exhibition: “40 Years of ALD in Finland - Photos, Stories”. Initially, the exhibition was organized for the international Baltic ALD conference, May 12-13, 2014, Helsinki ( The main organizers of the exhibition were Dr. Riikka Puurunen (VTT) and Dr. Jaakko Niinistö (University of Helsinki). The famous patent on Atomic Layer Epitaxy (FIN 52359) was filed on November 29, 1974 and this history material was released exactly 40 years later, November 29, 2014.
STATUS: Completed
8) Review article/essay on the early history of ML-ALD
The invention and development of ALD under the name Molecular Layering under the leadership of Aleskovskii and Koltsov will be described in a review/essay. This review/essay will complement the already-published ALE-ALD essay. ALD professors in St. Petersburg lead the writing work. The VPHA participants help as appropriate, for example, by formulating questions to be answered in the review/essay.
STATUS: Completed (updated: 19.12.2015)
Malygin, A. A., Drozd, V. E., Malkov, A. A., Smirnov, V. M., "From V. B. Aleskovskii's “Framework” Hypothesis to the Method of Molecular Layering/Atomic Layer Deposition," Chemical Vapor Deposition 21 (2015) 216-240.
9) Presentation at ALD 2016
The plan is to publish the final literature list created in the VPHA as a poster at the AVS ALD 2016 conference.
The poster will report the literature list and personal comments on the individual publications similarly as collected in the “Google file”, link here. Up to year 1986 will be covered. [The time limit comes from the review of Goodman and Pessa, J. Appl. Phys. 60, R65 (1986), after which ALD literature cannot be considered “early”.]
The poster will have OPEN AUTHORSHIP, meaning that anyone who is interested to contribute in the building of an overview of the early history of ALD, may join the poster.
Each author should provide minimum one comment.
The author list will be alphabetical (basis: last name).
There will be no upper limit for the number of authors: the more authors there are, the better.
It is likely that the conference deadline for the poster abstract will be January-February 2016. The goal is to finalize and submit the abstract early January 2016.
Interested people can join as the reading work and thereby become authors of the poster-to-be at least until the time of submitting the abstract early January 2016.
STATUS: Completed (updated 23.7.2016)
(The final contents of the poster differ slightly from the plan above.)
10) Optional: general ALD history review article
After the review articles/essays on ALE-ALD and ML-ALD are ready, the VPHA group will judge whether there is still a need and place for a general ALD history review paper. If a further review will be written, the reading-work for VPHA and the poster presentation at AVS-ALD 2016 will form an important basis for it.
STATUS: Partly completed (updated 2.1.2017).
Review article based on the ALD 2016 poster published in JVSTA, with 62 authors. Link: Related correspondence:
11) Updating wikipedia
If after accomplishing the “virtual project on the history of ALD” and writing the review paper it is evident that the information in wikipedia on the ALD pages can be improved, this will be done. (If you would like to volunteer for this, please contact us through the ALD History LinkedIn group.)
Page of “atomic layer deposition”
Page of “atomic layer epitaxy”
Page of “multiple independent discoveries”
STATUS: Completed (updated 2.1.2017)
Updated regarding history: Atomic layer deposition, Atomic layer epitaxy, List of multiple discoveries. English pages created: Tuomo Suntola, Valentin Aleskovsky, Markku Leskelä.
12) Closing the VPHA
The plan is to close the VPHA at the AVS ALD 2016 conference.
* update 23.7.2016: Closing has been postponed from ALD 2016 to Baltic ALD 2016.
* updated 10.10.2016: Final presentation has been given at Baltic ALD 2016, link to pdf file:, link to Youtube record: Despite that the last presentation has been given, the core reading still continuous as it has not been completed yet. To join the reading as a volunteer, please contact info@ (delete the space).
13) Bonus item
Related to an invited talk at the ECS Fall 2018 symposium, proceedings article has been written, as requested:
R. L. Puurunen, "Learnings from an Open Science Effort: Virtual Project on the History of ALD", ECS Transactions, in press (2018). Open access preprint, DOI: 10.1149/
contact: ALD History group in LinkedIn,